03 April 2010

What iceberg?

Things are steady-as-she-goes right now. I haven't done a general update in a while because I'm so enamoured with my kittens that I've been blogging about them instead! Plus my retail hours are still full-time and thus allow for little else.

Kittens - what a brilliant...brilliant...idea that was. They chase after me when I leave and try to get out the door with me. When I get home from work and unlock the door, they are both already sat right behind it, waiting for me. F**k knows how they do that because I never really know in advance what my hours are going to be, let alone what time I'll get home! They give their love quite unconditionally, and sometimes are pretty insistent about it too. Five minutes before the alarm goes off in the morning, either Luna, Pinball, or both of them are in bed with me. Pinball will stand on my face, whereas Luna has a tendency to nibble on anything soft and pink sticking out from beneath the duvet.

Thankfully, up until now it's just been my fingers and toes! LOL

I haven't done my spreadsheet in ages but I don't need it anymore because I am now better-able to tell how well I'm feeling each day. I am more in touch with myself. Plus, the kittens (if nobody else) are quite frank in needing me, and are fulfilling my need to love, to support, and to parent while I wait to see what the next Canadian woman who comes along has in store for me. Hopefully it'll be an improvement on betrayal, constructive dismissal, or divorce.

Gotta go - I'm in my lunch hour. Yep, that's right, I had to f**king work on Easter Saturday AND Sunday.

Go Canada! (Not).

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